Balangoda - Photographed by Priyantha Bandara
If I say artists really do not care about the feedback they get from their audience that can be hardly true. There are some artist who would like to create and display their work of art for the sole reason of expressing them but not for getting any feedback in return. But that type of artists are seldom. Which is the reason why giving and taking feedback on all art forms including photography is highly effective and important. This truth must be kept in mind not only by the art lovers but the artists themselves. Because we switch sides so often that we don’t even realize.
How important is community relations to an artist? I will say A LOT. For generations, expressing of art was mostly done via exhibitions, books and some other similar forms of modes which mostly the art lover or the fan must visit the artists work putting some effort. Going to an exhibition or buying a book maybe something which majority does not do for number of reasons. Main reason would be the time factor. Every one’s life has become so tide up with many responsibilities and deadlines they find it hard to set up a time for them selves to enjoy the traditional art forms. And even though they somehow manage to get in touch with the art itself, getting in touch with the artists himself is nearly impossible. This goes same for the artist as well. Even though an artist would like to express themselves to the public and become more community friendly the same factors could limit his movements in the society.
Habarana- Photographed by Priyantha Bandara
However thanks to the internet and its web communities it has become a lot simpler and convenient for artists and well as art lovers alike to communicate within themselves. There are several very impressive art communities on the internet which quenches the never ending thirst of showing art and seeing them. We as photographers love some of these websites which has no strings attached and mostly let us show our art and get feedback from the community for totally free.
Habarana - Photographed by Priyantha Bandara
I would write some more about the community relations on the internet some other time. In the mean time you can check this link where I have a load of my work on display
Happy surfing and opening up art accounts.
All photography in this post belongs to Priyantha Bandara. Illegal use is strictly prohibited
Priyantha, Great set of shots. love the depth, effects and colors. Sri Lanka (SL) is a great place to take photos, you are at the very heart of where best photography can be produced. Keep it up, only I wish I was there in SL too join in on taking the endless sceneries that has on offer.
Thank you Nalinda :)