Let me tell you few things about which you should know and do when you put stuff on the web. There are nothing complicated or hard to adjust about these points.
1. Add a watermark. You know that something which says that the photo is taken by you and it belongs to you. Like “Priyantha Bandara photography” Which I have on my work. Its helps to make an audience and prevent your work from used in places which you don’t want. And when you put the watermark place it in a place where it’s hard to take off. If you place it right on the border someone will remove it easily and claim the work is theirs.
2. Don’t upload photos in high resolution. Always down size it because who ever use internet don’t want to waste their bandwidth on big photos which take forever to download. Any way if the photo is looking good and has a decent size that’s all what you require to show it.
3. Don’t flood your work or ‘spam’ your own work. Which means do not upload dozens of photos to the web at once. The best of galleries on the web were filled with years of work gradually. Not over night. My rule is max 5-10 shots for a new album and 3 for new additions to that album. If it’s a open gallery like Deviant art I will upload max 1-2 images a week.
4. Choose what you upload wisely. Maybe you think some photo stream looks good. Maybe some several shots of a bird feeding its little ones. But uploading them entirely won’t do good. Fans visit your page to see a photo. Not a mini documentary. Choose only the one or two best shots out of the lot and post those only.
5. Keep some information about the shot when ever its appropriated. Maybe the location of a landscape or the name of the bird etc. It helps.
6. Categorize your shots. If you have the facility to name the albums or upload them in pre defined categories use it accordingly. Unless you have bunch of shots which does not need categorization. Always keep the albums neat. I would upload landscapes and waterscapes separately. And other shots on a theme. Maybe depending on the trip made. Something like “Katharagama” Which has a bundled value than uploaded individually in different albums. But there are no rules for this. It’s your photos after all.
Hope this information will be useful. Let me know your comments and suggestions as well.
Few good points for any novice to remember.
ReplyDelete-Anuja M.