Photograph - Priyantha Bandara
Whenever I set my foot out having photographs in mind I plan my travelling up to the last possible moment. It helps me to achieve what I want to achieve and being a landscape photographer time of the day is my most important factor. But there are incidences where every plan doesn’t work out as its expected. But because of that sometimes unexpected opportunities occur. Below photo stream is from my recent visit to Anuradhapura. My initial plan was to photograph Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi in broad day light or early as possible in the morning but due to some dozens of reasons I had to reach there an hour before the gates close at night.
Apparently I realized that it’s a good opportunity to shoot away some night scenes of the holy place which could end up being an uncommon set of photos. As I though the photos came out well. However taking the shots was a challenge. One was the lighting conditions and the other was to keep the places original nature intact while achieving it. As you may see in the night shots my main interest and focus is on the well lit areas and structures rather than the Bo tree itself. I had to come again the next day morning to capture the tree and the surrounding ritualistic behaviors which would look better and detailed with day light.
Photograph - Priyantha Bandara "Stone wall"
Photograph - Priyantha Bandara "Lighting lamps"
Photograph - Priyantha Bandara "Sri Maha Bodhi Entrance"
The Sacred Jaya Siri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapura is reckoned as the oldest surviving historical tree in the world. It was brought to Sri Lanka by the Theri Sangamitta, daughter of Emperor Asoka and was planted in the Mahameghavana Park in Anuradhapura in 249 BC by King Devanampiyatissa. It is said to be the southern branch of the Jaya Siri Maha Bodhi at Buddha Gaya in India under which Lord Buddha attained Enlightenment.
Photograph - Priyantha Bandara "Guardian stone carving"
Photograph - Priyantha Bandara "Cheewara puja"
Photograph - Priyantha Bandara "Panduru" (Offerings)
Photograph - Priyantha Bandara "Worship"
Photograph - Priyantha Bandara "Worship"
Photograph - Priyantha Bandara "Sri Maha Bodhi entrance"
Photograph - Priyantha Bandara "Sri Maha Bodhi and golden fence"
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