Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Vietnam War pics by Richards Calmes

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These shots are from the gallery of Richards Calmes. An award winning photographer with years of experience. 

These are his words

"This is where I started my lifelong love of photography.
For the first half of my tour, as an Architect, I designed and supervised construction projects.
Then I discovered photography! For the second half of my tour, I was a "Combat Photographer".
A few of these images were taken by another combat photographer whose name I cannot recall.
These photos have been in storage for 35 years. I have some negatives that I have scanned.
For other shots, all I have are prints. I also have a few slides that have mold on them.
All were developed and printed using water that one can only describe as wet.
A glass of it was brown and barely clear"














This is his web site http://www.richardcalmes.com/


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